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The BradyPROX Key Fob is a cost-effective solution for access control.  

BradyPROX offers similar quality and is compatible with certain HID® 125 kHz prox formats, allowing BradyPROX to replace some HID-brand prox cards at a lower price.

We'll get these fobs out to you quickly: lead times are just five days, regardless of quantity. 26 BIT FORMAT (Box of 100)

BPROXKFOB26 - BradyPROX Key Fob - 26 BIT FORMAT (Box of 100)

  • BradyProx Part Number BradyProx Format HID® Part Number
    BPROXCLMSH26 26 Bit 1326LGSMV - 26 bit H10301
    BPROXCLMSH35 35 Bit 1326LGSMV - Corporate 1000 35 Bit
    BPROXCLMSH37-2 37 Bit 1326LGSMV - 37 bit H10304
    BPROXCLMSH37-4 37 Bit Large Format (No Site Code) 1326LGSMV - 37 bit H10302
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